Material Flows and Forces of Nature

Mittwoch, 19.06.2024
18:30 Uhr

ZENTRALINSTITUT FÜR KUNSTGESCHICHTE, Katharina-von-Bora-Str. 10, 80333 München

Material Flows and Forces of Nature

Podiumsdiskussion mit Lotte Arndt (TU Berlin), Christopher J. Nygren (University of Pittsburgh) und Kelley Wilder (De Montfort University, Leicster) in der Reihe Ökologien und Kunstgeschichte. Leitung: Buket Altinoba, Stephan Hoppe, Sophie Junge, Helene Roth und Christa Syrer (LMU München). Auf Englisch. Online via Zoom (Meeting-ID: Meeting-ID: 856 5934 5839 | Passwort: 148258).

The relationship between material and technique in art production holds a firm place in art and photo history. The effect and perception of materials, as well as the attribution of significance to the material (Materialikonografie) have been studied extensively since the material turn. In contrast, the ecological dimension of materials and materialities has played only a minor role. This panel seeks to redress this imbalance by drawing attention to the physical substance of (raw) materials. We aim to dissect the intricate trajectory of material creation, extraction, mining, transport, and processing. To what extent were connections between individuals, resources, and the environment critically reflected upon, especially when materials had to be extracted with great effort? How were extractivism and exploitation visually documented and evaluated in different media? How were artists involved in the selection and extraction of materials?


Termine & Tickets

Mittwoch, 19.06.2024 18:30 Uhr

Veranstaltungsort / Karte

Adresse: Katharina-von-Bora-Str. 10, 80333 München
Telefon: 089 28927556

Veranstaltungen / Diverses